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From our punch bowl to yours… Happy Holidays!

Egg Nog

  • 1 doz. egg yolks
  • 1 lb. granulated sugar
  • 1 qt. bourbon (part of this may be either rum or brandy)
  • 1 qt. coffee cream
  • 1 qt. whipping cream

Put the dozen egg yolks in an electric mixer.  Feed in the granulated sugar very slowly so as to get a completely smooth, clear light mixture.  When this is perfectly smooth, begin to add the bourbon very slowly.  (The process up here would normally consume at least 30 minutes — with a good mixer.)

Put the whole hunk in the ice box until a half hour before serving, at which time the whipping cream should be beaten until only moderately thick.  Be careful not to get it too thick.  Mix it slowly into mixture and serve with nutmeg.nog2

21 Dec 13
No 755